Star Wars Fallen Order Lightsaber Ventress Replica Silver Metal Prop 89sabers

Star Wars Fallen Order Lightsaber Ventress Replica Silver Metal Prop 89sabers
Star Wars Fallen Order Lightsaber Ventress Replica Silver Metal Prop 89sabers
Star Wars Fallen Order Lightsaber Ventress Replica Silver Metal Prop 89sabers
Star Wars Fallen Order Lightsaber Ventress Replica Silver Metal Prop 89sabers
Star Wars Fallen Order Lightsaber Ventress Replica Silver Metal Prop 89sabers
Star Wars Fallen Order Lightsaber Ventress Replica Silver Metal Prop 89sabers
Star Wars Fallen Order Lightsaber Ventress Replica Silver Metal Prop 89sabers
Star Wars Fallen Order Lightsaber Ventress Replica Silver Metal Prop 89sabers
Star Wars Fallen Order Lightsaber Ventress Replica Silver Metal Prop 89sabers
Star Wars Fallen Order Lightsaber Ventress Replica Silver Metal Prop 89sabers
Star Wars Fallen Order Lightsaber Ventress Replica Silver Metal Prop 89sabers
Star Wars Fallen Order Lightsaber Ventress Replica Silver Metal Prop 89sabers
Star Wars Fallen Order Lightsaber Ventress Replica Silver Metal Prop 89sabers

Star Wars Fallen Order Lightsaber Ventress Replica Silver Metal Prop 89sabers

Star Wars Fallen Order Lightsaber Ventress Replica Silver Metal Prop 89sabers. Condition: 100% Brand new and High quality.

The hilt is 300mm long and 35mm in diameter. The blade is about 900 mm long, and the blade size is 1 inch = 25.4 mm. Battery capacity: 3200mah, Panasonic original 18650 rechargeable lithium battery. Life time: about 60 minutes. Charging time 3-4 hours (5V, 1A specification charging). Parameters of other accessories of lightsaber. 14 sets of sound effects + 14 sets of light effects (support can be increased without limit). Taiwan-made high-quality 3W high-power speakers.

The United States produces proffie2.2 professional lightsaber chips. 6 high-bright sword mouth luminous lamp group.

SanDisk, Kingston, Toshiba high-speed SD card. Customized high-strength PC thick-walled sword-blade tube, with high-brightness LED light bar, uniform brightness without breaking or cracking, rest assured. 1 inch size high strength 90 cm blade1.

Acrylic metal nameplate display stand1. USB charging cable (charging head not included) 1. Black bronzing high-end packaging gift box1. Lightsaber protection soft cloth bag1.

Some basic and optimized functions of the chip. Optimize the smooth swing performance, the lightsaber sound effect is silky, clear and loud. With a huge unparalleled sound effect library and light effect library, designers all over the world are constantly launching new sound effects and light effects and uploading them to foreign communities.

Optimize the coordination of light effect and sound effect, super high sensitivity. There are corresponding sound effects for power-on, power-off, blow, wave, and stab.

You can change the lightsaber sound effects and background music simply by changing the file name Optimize chip memory and increase chip power-on self-check function. Add lightsaber rotation boot, stab boot, action boot function.

A super handsome somatosensory sword opening function. Added the function of changing the color of the lightsaber, you can set the color of the lightsaber by rotating the lightsaber steplessly, and the light color is rich Increase the volume adjustment function of the lightsaber. Light effect introduction: pure color light effect, flame light effect, electromagnetic light effect, gradient color, flashing light effect.

Update 8 sets of new light effects, increase burst flash effect Light effect refers to the effects of flowing light, flash, rainbow gradient, flame, etc.. Color refers to red, blue, green, yellow, purple, etc.

The latest universal liner design in 2021, the liner can be turned on and off separately, the total circuit breaker switch is added, and the battery can be built in for a long time. Increase physical battery anti-reverse protection function. All the pictures were taken for actual items!!

Maybe the items under the light irradiation as a result of reflection. Will lead to the visual error. Item location is at China, and we do cross air express.

Please see below table to find details service level. International Buyers - Please Note: a. We are a professional worldwide wholesale company. High product quality, reasonable prices, excellent customer service and a reliable credit standing is our tenet. Feedback is very important to us. We will do our best to solve your problem as soon as possible. Thank you for your visit and welcome back. Multiple light effects and sound effects.
Star Wars Fallen Order Lightsaber Ventress Replica Silver Metal Prop 89sabers